Friday 17 January 2014

Get fit for the summer

Want to lose weight for the summer?  Well this is just a basic workout you can do at home without the use of weights. We're going to focus on bodyweight exercises, aerobic and a bit of boxing to get in shape.

Firstly you cannot expect to just jump off the sofa and train like an athlete, so we will look to build towards a goal. When that goal becomes easily achievable it usually means it is time to try something new.

We will split the week into separate days different training categories. Monday, Wednesday and Friday we will focus on arms. Tuesday and Thursday legs. Lets get started. 

Remember to take 3 to 5 minutes rest before moving to a different exercise.

I purchased a skipping rope for next to nothing and I usually start with a 15-20 minute skip before training. Don't worry if you cant skip for 20 minutes, its about progression and being able to do as we get fitter. So skip for 15-20 minutes including your rest period to get warmed up.

Shadow boxing for 3 minutes is another good way to warm up, just move around throwing lefts and rights sticking your arms out in front of you. 1-2s then move etc.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday workout.

Push-up - 25, 25, 25- Now if you have not worked out in a while you will probably find it difficult to do 25 push-ups, so to start with we will do 5 to 15 until you get used to it. After your 5 to 15 take a rest of 1 to 2 minutes before repeating, 3 times in all. Make sure you place you hands shoulder length apart and keep your ass down when doing a push-up.

Pull-up - 10, 10, 10 - Back of your hands facing you when doing a Pull-up. Again very hard to do if you have not trained or you don't have something to use to do one. So an alternative would be a decline push ups , using a chair or small table to put your feet on. Do as many as you can up to 10 with a 1 to 3 minute rest in between.

Diamond Push-ups - 15, 15, 15 - Now this is a tough one, you point your index fingers together and thumbs together as close as you can manage to make a diamond shape. Remember to spread your legs wider apart than you would a normal push up to help keep balance. Try 5 to 10 until you get used to it.

Wide Push-ups - 15, 15, 15 - You should be feeling it in your arms by now but don't give up. With a wide push up we spread our arms further apart, we want it so our elbows and hands are in a line. 5 to 10 if you're just starting out.

Chin-ups - 10, 10, 10 - Back of your hands need to be facing away from you, again look for alternitives on the internet if you don't have anywhere to do a chin up. Do as many as you can up to 10 and it will get easier as you train.

Bicep curls - 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 - each arm. Now as we don't any weights we must look for an alternative (I used my toolbox) You want to lock your elbow into you side and lift in an upward motion tensing your bicep as you reach the top.

Tuesday, Thursday workout

I will try to link some video to show proper form for these exercises.

Squats - 100, 75, 65 - Now if you attempt 100 and are not used to it you will be walking funny for a few days afterwards so try something more realistic like 50 on your first go, 40, then 30. I suggest you look at a youtube video for a good intro to doing a proper squat.

Lunges - 100 each leg - same again 100 is a bit much so to start with 25 each leg and the easier it becomes add more.

Standing Calf Raises - to failure, to failure, to failure (could take a while) - Without weights could take forever, but if you have not done it you will still feel it.

Wall Sit (back against a wall, legs at 90 degrees) to failure, to failure, to failure - Your legs will be feeling it by now and this will feel like torture, but persist and you will feel the benefit.

Burpees - 20, 20, 20 - I will link a video for this, but 3x10 will be more than enough. You don't want to over do it.


Throw in some ab work 2 times a week.

Aerobic Exercise

You want to run, jog or brisk walk at least 2 times a week for about 30 to 45 minutes. Go at a pace you can still hold a conversation at.


Eat more often is the name of the game to get your metabolism going. 5 to 6 times a day if possible so you body wont think its starving and keep a hold of that fat.

Basic principle - if you're trying to gain weight as in muscle we eat more 5 or 6 times a day.

If we're trying to lose weight we eat smaller portions but still 5 to 6 times a day. Try having a small breakfast, followed by some fruit 2 to 3 hours later then lunch and so on, every 2 to 3 hours. And make sure you're eating the right foods as your body is going to need them.

Tip - Cut out sugar in your coffee and tea, even cut out sugary soft drinks all together and you will notice a difference. Add fruit to you cereal instead of sugar, oats and milk with fruit is a great way to start the day.

And move around more often.